So What's a Candle Mom?!

So What's a Candle Mom?! - Kortni Jeane
You’ve probably heard of a Plant Mom, but have you ever heard about a Candle Mom?! Trust us, it’s a thing! For those who aren’t into growing and nurturing various plants + flowers, loving and maintaining candles may be your thing. And it’s more than just owning candles and lighting them! Today we’re coming at you with all the ways you should take care of your candles so they last (and smell amazing) forever. Follow these tips and tricks to become the very best Candle Mom you can be. 
The very first thing you’ll want to do when you have a brand new candle is to make sure your wick is the right length. We recommend investing in a wick trimmer since it makes a nice clean cut that won’t destroy your wick. Your wick needs to be about ¼” in length before burning. The trick is trimming the wick to this size every time you light your candle. Make sure you only trim wicks on cooled candles to prevent black soot from falling into hot wax and making your candles less pretty. 
You’ll also want to find the perfect surface for your candle before lighting it. The best places are flat/even, heat safe, away from drafts, and out of reach of pets, kiddos, and curtains. Once you find that perfect place, you’re ready to burn🔥 Pro tip: when you light a candle for the very first time, be sure to let it burn for 2-4 hours to melt the surface of your candle evenly.  
When it’s time to light your candle, the fire starter matters. Most of us would reach for lighters to get a quick and safe light, which is great for early burns and brand new candles. But as the candle wax gets lower, we highly recommend investing in long matches. Using long matches will reach low wicks without burning your fingers. Plus, some long matches are so pretty - they would definitely match your aesthetic. That’s what we call a win-win!
We know not every surface is perfectly even which leaves us with uneven wax. To prevent uneven burns, you can rotate your candle 180 degrees every 30 minutes. This will help you get a nice and even pool of liquid wax. To be the very best Candle Mom, you’ll want your candle to burn evenly every time you burn it. Typically this takes 2-4 hours of burning but can vary depending on wax, fragrance, surface, and temperature of the room. 
If you have kids or have a busy, unpredictable schedule, you know life happens and sometimes the candle is blown out before it’s ready. This creates a little “memory ring” that can cause tunnel burning. That means the candle will burn straight down, leaving wax on the sides of the jar that never end up melting. But we know how to fix it: a tin foil candle hat!
make a tin foil candle hat: 
All you need is a strip of tin foil, which you’ll need to fold in half, length-wise. Then you’ll want to wrap it around your candle like a hat BUT leaving a little hole in the middle (if you forget to leave the hole, your candle will go out). Be careful not to burn yourself as you’re wrapping that foil in place. This little foil hat will concentrate the heat on the surface of the candle, which will help the wax fully liquify for a fresh start. When using the candle hat, check on your candle every 20 minutes or so until it has become completely liquid. 
Don’t you hate it when the sides of your candle jar get all black along the inside of the glass? Us too! The good news is, you can keep your candle clean with a paper towel and some coconut oil. You’ll want to wait until the candle is cooled, but then you can go ahead and wipe the inside of the glass with coconut oil. It will make your candle look good as new! 
As for keeping your wax free of soot and debris, make sure you keep trimming your wick! Doing so will also keep your candle from popping wildly and smoking when you first light it. All around good things when you keep trimming that wick!
It is oh so fun to just blow out your candles, like it’s your birthday every time. But the best way to minimize mess when putting out your candles is with a candle snuffer. A proper snuffer will keep wax from splattering everywhere, wasting wax, and from damaging the lids that come with your candles. Some candles can be put out with lids that are made for extinguishing flames, but others are flammable or fragile. All in all, using a candle snuffer is the best way to go. There’s also a special candle tool called a wick dipper you can use to de-flame your candle. The wick dipper is the best tool for keeping smoke out of your space. To use a wick dipper, you simply press your wick into the wax, then straighten it back up before it dries. It’s actually super fun to use!  
The best time to say goodbye to a well-used candle is while there’s a bit of wax still in it. You may be tempted to use your candle right till the very end, when it completely runs out of wax. But that will cause your jar or container to overheat which could cause a problem or a mess. Seasoned Candle Mom’s recommend retiring your candle when there’s still half an inch of wax left.
If you’re really passionate about being a Candle Mom, you can clean out the wax in your favorite candle container/jar and reuse it! The safest way to clean out that half an inch of wax is to use a mug warmer to melt the excess wax or to put the container in the freezer to crack the wax for removal. Some of those jars are really pretty and can be repurposed for a future, homemade candle or for other decorative uses. 
Did you know candles can expire over time? This doesn’t mean they spoil like food does, but they can lose their fragrance, grow stale, and become discolored over time. Be sure to store your candles in a cool, dark place to help slow down the aging process. And whenever possible, try to use your candles between 12-16 months of receiving/buying them. There’s also a myth going around that says freezing candles will make them last longer, but the fact is freezing wax will cause it to crack, making it harder to get a clean burn when you light it. So, when caring for your candles, keep them in a cool, dark place between seasons. 
Being a Candle Mom is all about being safe and smart! Be sure to remember these simple rules so wax and fire doesn’t hurt you or your home. Never leave your candles unattended and don’t fall asleep with your candle burning (we know how cozy they can be). Avoid playing with the wax or trying to move the wax around the jar. Be careful to not burn your candle for more than 4 hours since doing so can create a large and unstable flame. And last but not least, never burn a candle in a small unventilated room. If a room is unventilated, the candle may produce enough carbon monoxide to be harmful to you. Candles are fun, cozy, and smell yummy but always remember to use them safely and with care. 
Are you ready to become a Candle Mom?! We hope so! 🕯️From ambiance and atmosphere to celebration and romance, there are so many great reasons to use candles! And if you’re obsessed with various scents and using candles as decoration, you’re well on your way to becoming a Candle Mom! We hope these tips and tricks will help you on your journey of candle loving fun. What are some of your favorite candles? Tell us below!  
Kortni + Team


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