Preparing for Baby

My very top three cannot live without!
Snuggle Me Organic Lounger - I traveled with this and everything because it was such a game changer. This lounger makes your baby feel like they are being held all snuggled up in this luxurious and genius bed. Plus you can lay it anywhere and it's no different for your baby. If I could gift every expectant mama one of these I would!
- Marpac Travel Sound Machine - I have two of these so I always have one on hand. I keep one in my diaper bag and one at home. My 18 month old still sleeps with it and no matter where we are, nap or nighttime, we turn it on. It cues for him to sleep and helps keep him asleep whether we are at family’s playing games or grocery shopping. You may worry your baby will rely on this to sleep but that's just not the case at all. It helps cue your baby to sleep and it’s totally okay for both of you to get some rest.
- Haaka - Silicone Breast Pump. I know it sounds and looks weird, I get it. As a first time mom I was not a believer. Right up until my baby was born and I had a freezer FULL of milk just from my letdown. I am not sure there is any greater invention out there!
Other must-haves:
- LouLou and Company Swaddles - There are a million swaddles out there and I think I tried at least half of them (no exaggeration) but nothing compared to these! They held up the best, still look brand new and ready to be used with babies to come! They’re nice and stretchy to wrap baby snuggly without them being able to break through. Plus, they’re still breathable and yet warm. They’re the package deal!
- Nose Frida - The snot sucker that will save you. It may look and sound gross but it works magic.
- Laundry Detergent - This is the best baby laundry soap I have found by far. It’s free of harsh chemicals, safe for baby's skin, and has a very subtle {almost scentless} scent.

- Tubby Todd Hair + Body Wash and Tubby Todd All Over Ointment - These cleansers and ointments are made from plant-based extracts and work magic! I will use none other for my babies.
- A good diaper bag, duh! The bag doesn't have to be deemed as an actual "diaper bag" however I love something that has plenty of pockets and is a backpack to keep your hands free, because you need them! Some of my favorites that you just cannot go wrong with are:
- The Original Fawn Design- this bag is fire and definitely my most used!
- Mina Baie Harper - It’s lightweight with all the pockets you could ask for, making it super functionable but totally cute!
- Nena and Co The perfect Bag- This one can convert into a backpack and has easy access pockets. Best of all, it’s completely unique!

- Hiccapop Wipe Warmer - You could live without it, but save yourself from a fussy baby (and toddler) and get this safe wipe warmer! It regulates the temp so it never gets too warm, works great with any wipes I have tried, and baby is much happier when a cold wet one isn't being used to wipe their bum.
- Mamaroo - My baby loved this. The different swinging motions and sounds were soothing and relaxing, keeping him content while I snuck into the shower. However I have been told by many that their baby either loves or hates it, thus landing in my luxuries I love! I cannot guarantee your baby will love this swing as much as mine did but for me it is worth the investment!
- Lalabu Baby Dad Shirt - Put this on your man and your heart will literally melt! There are so many products out there made with mom in mind, and yes I understand those can be used for dads as well, but it made my man so happy to have something that was made for him! AND it works so well! Our little nugget took many naps in this snug shirt and it sure is a sweet sight to see!

- Rocking Chair - Although I am obsessed with my rocking chair and use it every single day, multiple times a day, I do think you could do without it if you cannot fit it into your budget. However I think a nice, comfy rocking chair is a great investment! I have spent many nights sleeping with a restless baby, many hours nursing, and had lots of snuggles reading books in my rocker.
- Uppa Baby Vista Stroller - Got this bad boy with Vinni and love that I can hook interchangeable seats from his infant car seat, a bassinet while he was a newborn, and a seat as he started to sit up and notice the world a little more. The best part is now it will grow with my growing family and allows for two seats to be attached. My big thing was that it can fold with the seat attached, which makes a big difference when you start to need more than two hands.

- Feeding and Support Pillow- I have my eyes on the Snuggle Me pillow for baby #2. I used a few different nursing pillows with my first and never found one that worked quite right for me. The shape and structure of Snuggle Me's looks more like what I need for the countless hours I will be breastfeeding my little one.
- Gathre Padded Mat - Finally a baby mat that is classy for every area of your home! I know with this second baby I won’t be able to hold quite as much as I did with my first so having a comfortable place to lay and play is important to me.

- Hatch Changing Pad- Has anyone used this? I almost got it with my first but couldn't justify it. I would have loved to be able to keep track of my baby's weight (I worried like crazy with my first since he was born with low oxygen levels and wasn't eating well). Plus the sleek design speaks to me and the fact that I can just wipe it clean {aka one less thing to laundry}.
- Sakura Bloom Baby Carrier - This looks so simple and easy to use. Having two babies in tow, whatever makes life easier to be hands free is for me!
- Tags: #girlboss