Interview with Jenny Wecker from Fawn Design

- I have 2 daughters— Georgia (almost 2) and June (8 months).
- We would go to Hawaii! That is our happy place!!!
- Watching my children learn new things! Also, I love when Georgia gives me hugs or holds my hand!
- I'm trying to be better about not worrying about my business when my kids are awake and be with them! I try hard to not put guilt on myself when I have to work and tell myself, I am doing my best!
- I am A LOT more laid back! I used to get Georgia dressed in a full outfit (bow & shoes) when she was a baby. Now June is usually always in PJ's haha! I am also less anxious about leaving the house.
- Let Georgia watch TV or play on the iPad! I said I wouldn't let her until she was at least 3! Unfortunately, we give in from time to time.
- That I love them & that I'm always so proud of who they are! I think parents worry too much and don't express how they feel about their kids enough.
- Freaking relax!! It's all going to be okay! AND it's definitely okay to just stay in bed all day sometimes.
- I am actually not great at this! I feel like I put myself last 99% of the time. I've been trying to be better about thinking how I want to be able to keep up with my kids. So, I need to take time to exercise for them and myself! As a family, we've been trying to eat healthier. With our schedule, it's sometimes hard to cook at home, so we try and pick healthy options when we eat out.
- I try really hard to think about what is really important to me, and live my life with those things at the center of my thoughts and actions. Occasionally, I also like to treat myself to a new pair of Vans or a button-up. That always helps me feel confident.
- I don't! And I don't put pressure on myself to find a balance. I just wake up everyday and try my very best!

- Tags: Swimming In Swimmers
Laura Zundel on
Jenny! I love this interview. You’re so honest and down to earth and that’s what is so awesome about you. My favorite is the last question how you just wake up everyday and try to do your best without the pressure of being a perfect mom and perfect business owner. Keep it up girl! You rock ??
We LOVE Kortni Jeane! Thank you so much for the feature! You guys are the best!!!
-Fawn Design