Interview with Jenica Parcell from A Slice of Style

Jenica Parcell is a blogger over at A Slice of Style, where she shares killer deals & also has been open with her struggle with infertility. After 3 IUI's and 3 rounds of IVF Jenica and her husband were able to have twins!
Jenica is an incredible example of a mother-- someone who didn't give up despite challenges to start a family. She has been extremely open and candid with her infertility, but her positive attitude is completely contagious despite any setbacks she experienced. Her story is extremely encouraging and powerful for all women!
How many kids do you have? What are their ages?
- Twins, Harris and Goldie who are a boy and a girl. They are 8 months old.
- We want to go to the Provo Rec Center! They have an amazing pool and the twins LOVE the water so my husband and I want to bring them there.
- Oh, my! Seeing them grow and develop and learn new things. Seeing them laugh and smile and enjoy their life. It's all so beautiful and rewarding. I feel like I get to experience all of the firsts of my childhood all over again and it's magical.
- Going to sleep at a decent hour at night! It's nice in the evening after the twins go to bed to spend some "me" time without interruption. I need to start focusing on getting more sleep! It makes my days go super smooth when I'm well rested. I'm setting an alarm on my phone. When it goes off, I HAVE to get ready for bed!
- Nothing yet, honestly! My twins are still small, and I don't think I ever said I wouldn't do anything as a parent when they were little. It's more when they're older. I said I would never buy them a brand new car when they're 16, and you better believe I'll stick to it! They need to work for it!
- Self confidence. You're perfect just the way you are. When kids have self confidence, it enables them to look outside of themselves and help others.
- I had no idea how much absolutely and pure JOY these babies would bring me! I don't think I ever felt true joy until them. It's hard work, but it's the most beautiful and rewarding work I'll ever do.
- Just breathe and relax. The amount of time your children are babies is incredibly short. You'll wish you had these days back, so just enjoy it and don't get overly upset at the small things.
- I go to the gym at least 4 times each week which takes care of the physical part as well as mental. It clears your head. I like to get outside and go on walks with the babies. I pray for help and read my scriptures because having a close relationship with God makes the biggest difference. I make sure to get out of the house by myself and treat myself to a manicure or just walking around Target. I think it's really important to be well yourself so that you can take care of others.
- I remember that God made me just how He wants me. I don't need to impress anyone but Him. I'm doing my best and that's all that I can do!
- A really good schedule with the twins, and lots of help! I hired someone to help me each day with laundry and dishes around the house, and I hired my cousin to help me with certain things on my blog. You can't do it alone and hiring them has enabled me to spend lots of quality time with my twins while also running my blog that I really enjoy.
Be sure to check our Jenica on Instagram!
xoxo, Kortni Jeane + Team
- Tags: Swimming In Swimmers