#GetDressedWithKJ // White Out

#GetDressedWithKJ // White Out - Kortni Jeane

Here at Kortni Jeane we strongly believe that EVERYONE has their own unique style. Fashion is the easiest way to express who you are and how you feel without saying anything at all! That's why we're starting up a new series called #GetDressedWithKJ where we will showcase our team + each of their own personal styles.

This month we've teamed up with Called To Surf to take on a fashion statement all of its own: wearing white. For most of us, wearing white for a whole work day was a scary idea, but by the time we clocked out, we felt more confident than ever.

Check out below how each of us incorporated this bold color into our outfits + conquered our fears of wearing white while still maintaining our own personal styles. 



Called To Surf // Nora Eyelet Top - White 

Jentry // Fulfilment Team 

Marissa // Fulfilment Team 
Called To Surf // West Bay Frayed Top - White

Madi // Fulfilment Team 
Called To Surf // Ashland Eyelet Top - White

Heather // Fulfilment Team 

Shelby // Customer Service

Kasey // Customer Service
Called To Surf // Broadview Texture & Fringe Top- White

Krista // Customer Service
Called To Surf // Southside Pullover - Winter White

Taylor // Customer Service
Paige // Social Team
Called To Surf // Dress (Not Available Online)

Meg // Social Team
Called To Surf // Top (Not Available Online)
Kristen // Social Team
Called To Surf // Top (Not Available Online)

 We all made it through the day without any spills, so we would say it was a pretty successful day. Thank you to Called To Surf for making our fashion dreams come true. 

Kortni + Team


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